About Us

Ehipassiko Press, LLC has an unconventional business strategy in that we have no income stream. Our books are released online for free. Paperback versions are available through Amazon where they are sold at cost of production. Neither the authors nor the press receive royalties or any other types of compensation for any of the books we publish. The editors and other people involved with producing books published by Ehipassiko Press do so on a volunteer basis. Expenses for the press are covered by the publisher.

Publication Interests

Ehipassiko can be translated from Pali as "encouraging investigation." As a press, we are primarily interested in publishing books that encourage readers to develop a better understanding of themselves and their relationship to the work. However, we will publish Open Educational Resource(OER)textbooks in any discipline.

Although our practices are strongly influenced by the Buddha Dhamma, we are not a Buddhist Press. We will publish books from a variety of spiritual and secular traditions. However, our publications will promote the values found in the Brahma Viharas: loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. As long as they are consistent with the essence of the Brahma Viharas, we will publish books that contradict aspects of Buddhist practice, theology, and philosophy.

Not Selling Dhamma

Sometimes, an individual desires a print copy of a free Open Educational Resource, possibly as a paperback book. Although our books do not all promote the Buddha dhamma, we honor the tradition of not charging for dhamma for everything we publish. Unfortunately, it is not feasible for us to distribute free paperback editions of our books. As a middle way between the ideal and practical, paperback editions of our books are sold at cost of production. We use Amazon publishing to print and distribute our books. Ehipassiko Press does not mark up the price of any book over the actual cost that Amazon charges to produce it. We make no income on any sales through Amazon.