
A Skillful Approach to College Research is now available for free online or through Amazon at cost of production.

A Skillful Approach to College Research is designed to support students enrolled in discipline specific courses that do not focus on teaching composition. However, it can be used in composition classes as well. Because it was released under a Creative Commons license, professors can copy sections of the book into their course management systems or make the entire book available to their students. An individual student could successfully use the book to support their research in a class even if the book is not assigned. Although the primary audience is college students, A Skillful Approach to College Research is also relevant to high school students.

Specialized Editions

Ehipassiko Press will work with individual colleges—as well as high schools, libraries, and other organizations—to personalize the book for their students. For more information, please contact us at info@ehipassikopress.org.

Go to the Ehipassiko Press website.

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