“Five Factors for Positive Change” Published

Bhanthe Sankichcha’s Five Factors for Positive Change is now available. You may download a free copy of the book in either Microsoft Word or in .PDF format from the Ehipassiko Press website. A paperback edition is available from Amazon for $3.83. Because Ehipassiko Press does not mark up the price of any book sold on Amazon over production costs, we make no income on any sales through Amazon.

This book begins with a short essay on how we can make positive changes in our lives. It is followed by questions designed to help the reader reflect on the content. Because plenty of space is provided for the reader to reflect on the questions, the book doubles as a journal. Although it is written from a Buddhist perspective, Five Factors for Positive Change contains valuable insights for anyone interested in personal growth.

We are especially grateful to the following individuals without whose volunteer efforts this book would not have been published: Jessica Worden-Jone (editor), Josselyn Moore (copy editor), Carson Sangala (research assistance), Antonio Sieira (background information), and artists from Pixabay.

Go to the Ehipassiko Press website.

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